Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) Fusion

The sacroiliac joint (SI joint) is located in the pelvis; it links the iliac bones (pelvis) to the sacrum (lowest part of the spine above the tailbone).

The SI joint is essential for energy transfer between the legs and the torso. Unfortunately, the SI joint can also be a significant contributor to lower back pain. Clinical studies have identified the SI joint as a pain generator in 15-30% of chronic lower back pain patients.

Dr. Saqib Siddiqui, M.D, is trained in the latest minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques, including use of the iFuse Implant System® from SI-BONE®, Inc.

To learn more about the iFuse Implant System, contact us online or call (210) 265-1116 today!

Do You Have SI Joint Problems?

Like any other joint in the body, the SI joint can degenerate or suffer injury. When the SI joint is damaged, it can cause pain in the pelvis, buttocks, hips, groin, lower back, and legs. This is especially true while lifting, running, walking, going from sitting to standing, or lying on the affected side.

You may have an SI joint disorder if you experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of leg instability (buckling, giving way)
  • Pain, numbness, tingling in the lower extremities
  • Disturbed sleep patterns due to pain
  • Disturbed sitting patterns (unable to sit for long periods or sitting on one side)

Diagnosing SI Joint Injury

A variety of tests performed during a physical examination − most of which involve using X-rays, CT-scans, or MRIs − may help determine if the SI joint is the cause of your symptoms.

The most relied-upon test is to inject the SI joint with a local anesthetic under the guidance of either X-ray or CT scan. If your symptoms are decreased by at least 50%, the SI joint is either the source of or a major contributor to your lower back pain, but if the level of pain does not change after the injection, it is less likely that the SI joint is the cause.

SI Joint Fusion with the iFuse Implant System®

Once the SI joint is confirmed to be the cause of your symptoms, treatment can begin. Some patients respond well to physical therapy, oral medications, or injection therapy, but for others, these treatments offer temporary symptom improvement and often need to be performed repetitively.

If your condition is not improving, you and your surgeon may want to consider minimally invasive surgery like sacroiliac joint fixation.

How Does SI Joint Fusion Work?

Sacroiliac joint fixation is a surgical procedure in which the joint is permanently returned to its intended position and weight-bearing function. The iFuse Implant System® uses three to four small, triangular-shaped titanium implants inserted across the sacroiliac joint to fix and stabilize it. The procedure is done through a small incision, and takes about an hour.

Watch this video to see how the titanium implants support your SI joint:

What Are the Results of the iFuse Implant System?

The iFuse Implant® has produced unparalleled clinical results, with more than 30 published, peer-reviewed articles demonstrating its safety and effectiveness. Benefits of the biomechanically rigorous implant used in this straightforward, minimally-invasive sacroiliac joint surgery may include:

  • No extensive soft tissue stripping
  • Minimized rotation and micromotion
  • Immediate post-op SI joint stability due to the rigid titanium implants
  • Stable bone fixation and fusion support from the porous plasma spray coating
  • Maximized post-surgical weight-bearing capacity due to using a larger implant surface area

Potential Risks and Other Information

There are potential risks associated with the iFuse Implant System; it may not be appropriate for all patients, and all patients may not benefit from the treatment. For information about the risks, visit

The iFuse Implant System® is intended for sacroiliac fusion for conditions like sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which is a direct result of sacroiliac joint disruption and degenerative sacroiliitis. This type of SI joint dysfunction includes conditions whose symptoms began during pregnancy or in the peripartum period, and have persisted postpartum for more than 6 months.

Learn More About iFuse Implant System Today!

The iFuse Implant® is the only SI joint fusion device with multiple clinical studies demonstrating that treatment improved pain, patient function, and quality of life.

If you suffer from lower back pain, make an appointment with Doctor Saqib Siddiqui today. Contact us online or call (210) 265-1116.

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