
Dr Saqib Siddiqui "Anterior/Posterior Fusion"

Treating a patient experiencing immobility from a herniated disc, Dr. Siddiqui performs an anterior/posterior fusion (360° fusion) to return the patient’s mobility, greatly improving her quality of life. See this innovative procedure performed and learn how minimally-invasive techniques at The Spine Center can improve your quality of life!

Spine Center

Dr. Saqib Siddiqui discusses all that The Spine Center has to offer. As a comprehensive, all-in-one medical and surgical center, your entire case can be handled in-house at The Spine Center, reducing the stress involved in receiving spinal surgery. What’s more, as a specialist in minimally-invasive surgery, the risk of surgical complications is greatly reduced! Discover all that The Spine Center has to offer!

Dr Siddiqui S1 L5 Fusion Promo

Dr. Siddiqui previews the SI L5 Fusion surgery, a minimally-invasive technique to reduce back pain, which supports less scarring, smaller incisions, shorter hospital stay, less bleeding, reduced post-operative pain and a quicker recovery time. Learn more about this innovative technique!

Dr Saqib Siddiqui "Sacroiliac Joint Surgery"

Dr. Siddiqui discusses a sacroiliac joint fusion to reduce pain caused in the sacroiliac joint, an underdiagnosed source of back pain. See this innovative technique explored and performed to support sustained back pain relief!

Merrill Osmond minimally invasive spine surgery

Dr Saqib Siddiqui performed successful minimally invasive spine surgery on music legend Merrill Osmond.

Merrill Osmond minimally invasive spine surgery

Merrill Osmond, world famous lead singer of The Osmond Brothers shares his story about spine surgery success with Dr. Siddiqui.

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